Art of Mercurie

Hello I'm Mercurie, a digital artist based in the Philippines. I mostly draw fantasy scenes and characters. If you're in need of a digital artist then you've come to the right place!



Actual price may vary depending on the complexity of the output.

Full Illustrations/background piece starts at $60 for any art style

Semi-realistic/Anime Style Character
bust- $25
waist up- $35
full body- $50

Semi-realism Portrait
bust- $30
waist up- $45
full body- $55

Chibi- starts at $25

Emotes/Sub badges
each- $15
5 or more pieces- $12 each

Logo- starts at $40

Cartoon Style
bust- $20
waist up- $30
full body- $45

Additional 80% of base price per additional character

Personalized backgrounds for portraits and characters may have an additional 20% of the base price

Price may vary depending on the amount of details and difficulty of pose


If you're interested in commissioning me, contact me through these platforms:

Terms of Service

  • I reserve the right to decline comissions if i am not comfortable with it.

  • For personal use only. Do not duplicate or claim it as your own. give proper credit to the artist.

  • Additional payment for the commercial license/removal of signature (50-80% of base price)

  • The final output will be sent through email.

  • Commissioned piece will be finished in 3-7 days

  • Prices listed here may change any time


  • Gcash for Philippine clients

  • Paypal or Ko-fi for International clients

  • At least 50% downpayment before starting. The client needs to settle the payment before receiving the output.

  • Strictly no refunds

will not draw:

  • heavy nsfw

  • heavy gore

  • nsfw furries

  • mecha

  • hate/offensive art